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TED MUSCARELLI OF MUSCARELLI AUCTION COMPANY IS PROUD TO CONDUCT A PROFESSIONALLY RUN ONSITE AUCTION SALE WILL BE ONSITE WITH NO INTERNET BIDDING, Saturday May 18th,2024 10:00am,, ADDRESS COMING WEEK PRIOR TO AUCTION Muscarelli Auction is pleased to be selling items coming from the homeplace of Tim Glass and others. This will be an old fashioned country auction with NO INTERNET Bidding Equipment to include: 1. 1972 John Deere Model 1530 Tractor 2. 1970's Industrial Model 40-B Massey Ferguson Tractor 3. Stoll extra Nice Stoll 14ft. Cattle Trailer (clear title) 4. GMC 2 Ton Truck with 14foot Spreader (title) 5....

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