We are thrilled to announce that beta testing for our Seller Marketing Program's bespoke email product is off to a roaring start. This program aims to change the way sellers engage with prospective buyers by providing unmatched customization and targeting features.

Our early results are in, and they're nothing short of impressive. Highlights include standout open rates and click-through rates that are driving significant traffic to sales. Email campaigns with Brown Button Estate Sales and Elite Collectibles have demonstrated the power of tailored messaging, with open rates soaring as high as 47% (industry avg. 21%) and click-through rates reaching up to 4% (industry avg. 1%). These numbers not only underscore the effectiveness of the bespoke email product but also hint at the untapped potential of personalized marketing in the estate sale industry.

While we're already seeing exciting success, the Seller Marketing Program is still in its beta phase, which means we're just scratching the surface of what's possible. Imagine being able to fine-tune your marketing efforts to reach the right audience with the right message at the right time. That's the future we're building with the Seller Marketing Program, and we want you to be a part of it.

Join us on this journey! The success of our beta testing is just the beginning. Stay connected and prepare for the full launch of the Seller Marketing Program.