Estate Sales by Alexander

Encino, CA 91316
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Estate Sales by Alexander

 The estate sale experts at Estate Sales by Alexander have been a force in the Estate Liquidation industry for over two decades.

Throughout our career, our focus has always been on excellence and we’re proud to be recognized as one of the nation’s leaders and innovators in the Estate Sales and Estate Liquidation industry.

Our professional experiences have validated the need for a new style of service.

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In today’s economic climate, more and more families are considering turning to estate sales to liquidate personal property not only as a result of a death in the family but for other, far less traumatic reasons.

Relocation, Downsizing, moving into assisted care or just an urgent need to generate revenue are all perfectly valid reasons to conduct an estate sale.

Whatever the reason, the sale should always be conducted in an atmosphere of respect and dignity for the home and it’s contents.

For most people, change can be difficult. At Estate Sales by Alexander we understand the turmoil that change brings to any household and we are focused on making the transition as smooth and issue free as possible.

In the event estate liquidation is necessary as a result of the loss of a loved one, Estate Sales by Alexander is there to ensure their home and possessions are appreciated for their true value.

We respect the emotional attachment that our clients may feel for some particular items or objects, and we are happy to assist in the “letting go” process.

We have found that in most cases, our Estate Sales by Alexander crew comes to feel as though they are a part of the family.

Estate Sales by Alexander works diligently to shine the best possible light on the property we are liquidating in order to generate the most revenue possible for the benefit of the family and heirs.

There are several different approaches that can be taken to liquidate personal property.

The majority of items can be liquidated at a full-scale estate sale but we, at Estate Sales by Alexander, recognize that an estate sale may not always be the best place to sell particular works of art or highly specialized items.

If it should be determined that our client would be best served by taking a different approach, we take a different approach.

It may be via the internet or an auction or by contacting any one of the thousands of collectors and dealers with whom we have become acquainted over the years.

We always do the best we can to optimize the return to our clients.

Our pledge to you is that Estate Sales by Alexander will provide our services to you while representing your interests with dignity, honor, and respect.

We do hope that we will have an opportunity to impress you with our services and thank you, sincerely, for your consideration of Estate Sales by Alexander.


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