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HUGE Antiques & Collectables Sale in Shelby NC

estate sale3 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Shelby, NC 28150 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
May 10
9am to 3pm
May 11
9am to 3pm
May 12
9am to 3pm

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 Terms & Conditions
Cash only. We can’t accept credit cards.

This is a family run sale, not run by a business. Please be nice. The storms this week have put me behind, so not everything will be priced. I’m doing the best I can.

Not responsible for accidents - there are steps and it is crowded. If you can’t navigate safely, please don’t come in.

Dealers are welcome, but if you are a jerk, I will ask you to leave.
 Description & Details

We joke that my mom was a collector of collections. She bought antiques at trade lots and yard sales back in the 70s and sold them to antique stores to pay for her masters degree and education. She kept collecting things that she found pretty and interesting. There are genuine antiques in the house- dough box marble topped tables, washstands, chairs, Victorian sofa, Asian art, crank telephone, pottery, butter, turns, mixing bowls, bottles, lamps, cast iron, and ironstone. Lots of pottery, glass, brass, pewter, cast iron, aluminum, silver plate, copper, baskets, wall art, and over a thousand books Names you...

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